Smart WASH Solutions foresees in the universe in which all people have sustainable access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Services for considering the challenging issues. Safe water to drink is one of the most basic needs of human. Access to water and sanitation plays a crucial role in the overall social and economic development of a community. Therefore, this sector should be given a high priority for development, in a sustainable and socially acceptable manner, with the use of appropriate technologies.
We have to modernize the working modality and also have to find the innovative approach to work on WASH sectors. The WASH sector status and management in Nepal are still in poor conditions so there is still need to vigorously work for improvement on WASH from both government and private sectors. For ensuring the availability and sustainable management of Water and Sanitation for all (SDG Goal 6) and addressing the WASH issues on all communities including institutions and the system of dysfunctional and non-existing facilities and services has to be improved. For improving this, there is great need of collaborative work with different level of stakeholders (government and private sectors) including academicians and researchers withnational and international WASH stakeholders and Universities.
The Smart WASH Solutions (SWS) aims to raise awareness of WASH problems in Nepal. It will strengthen cooperation and collaboration among stakeholders on finding solution to WASH problems by sharing knowledge experience, building capacities as well as implementing new technologies.
Smart WASH Solutions, established in 2018 as a non-profit organization, is registered with Government of Nepal (GoN) under Companies Act, 2006 (Reg. No.: 203881/075/076).